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Webinar – Proven Strategies for Virtual Event Success


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Proven Strategies for
Virtual Event Success
20 • 21 evolution webinar series
Wednesday, December 2, 2:00pm ET
[COLOR=000000]Return on investment, three of the most important words in our industry. Sponsors and exhibitors alike want to know what ROI they can expect from participating in your conference, meeting or trade show. With the growing dominance of virtual events, planners are discovering new challenges in predicting and articulating ROI.[/COLOR]

Strong virtual events are forged from best practices and proven success strategies. Our goal is to help our clients win and retain sponsors and exhibitors, attract more attendees, and successfully produce and manage every aspect of their virtual meeting or trade show. That’s why I’ve asked four industry pros that I know repeatedly achieve those goals time after time.

Donna Jarvis-Miller, CMP, CEM
Director, Memberships & Events
American Public Human Services Association
Derrick Johnson, DES, CMP
Director, Event Strategy & Chief Diversity Officer
Talley Management Group
Toshia Bruster, MTA
Senior Project Director
Meeting Management Services (MMS)
Tim Rabolt
Executive Director
Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE)

Join Donna, Derrick, Toshia, Tim and me for this interactive virtual panel discussion on Mastering Virtual Meeting ROI. Their individual and collective experiences totally reflect the day-to-day professional context of the vast majority of you. Don’t miss it, reserve your place right now.

K.C. Hopson, MS, CMP, Moderator EventRebels, Inc.
President & Founder
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