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Virtual Totebags Are Here


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score

Virtual tote bags are here! Our newest addition to the virtual trade show platform allows attendees to collect and store exhibitor resources.

What are exhibitor resources?

For events using our virtual trade show platform, exhibitor and sponsor profiles include a “Resources” section where they can share all of the materials they would like to offer to their booth visitors. Visitors can view those resources directly from the company profile or add them to their personal tote bag to view later.

This digital content replaces the materials that exhibitors would have displayed in a physical booth location. However, in a virtual booth, exhibitors are not limited to printed items and the typical trade show swag. They can share anything that they can link to or upload. For example…

  • Link to:
    • Videos
    • Live meetings, demos
    • Sign-up forms, e-marketing subscriptions, applications
    • Giveaways, promotional items/sales
    • Blogs
  • Upload:
    • E-books, magazines, newsletters
    • Whitepapers, case studies
    • Flyers, brochures, catalogs
    • Photos

Can tote bags be pre-stuffed?

Yes, planners can pre-stuff tote bags with any exhibitor resources that have been uploaded to the meeting! Virtual tote bag items are a great sponsorship perk or add-on purchase opportunity.

Want to learn more?

Need to make your trade show virtual? See how our Virtual Event Platform and Trade Show software can make your pivot easier!

Photo Credits​

Tote bag photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com
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