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Finding good candidates is easy


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Share vacancies in CrewInspector via LinkedIn​

CrewInspector has introduced vacancy sharing functionality directly from crew management software, now all crew managers can benefit from this functionality while recruiting new people for their vacancies.

Now you can share your vacancies directly on LinkedIn using share button. All crew applications will arrive directly in CrewInspector and you can see who has applied on which vacancy. There are 350 K Chief Engineers alone on LinkedIn! So take few seconds break to do social networking and attract top candidates with CrewInspector. Your chances multiply once your colleagues start doing the same.

Below you can see some great examples:​

nuwave recruitment [URL='http://www.crewinspector.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/seagold-crewing.png']seagold crewing[/URL]
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