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Exploring the consequences of weak IT policies


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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Written by Jamie Hissitt, Head of vCIO at Air IT

What is an IT Policy?​

An IT policy refers to a set of rules and protocols that govern the use, management, and security of technology resources within a business. These policies cover areas such as data security, network usage, email and internet usage, software licensing, and employee responsibilities. IT policies outline the acceptable practices that employees must adhere to when using technology resources in the workplace.

The growing concern​

Consider a scenario where a company lacks defined guidelines regarding the appropriate use of employees’ devices, resulting in ambiguity and uncertainty among the workforce. Concurrently, crucial customer data remains inadequately safeguarded, vulnerable to potential cyber threats and unauthorised access. Sadly, these risky situations happen more often than you might think. In fact, CISO Mag stated that 60% of SMEs don’t have critical cybersecurity policies in place.

Below are some of the risks linked with the absence of policies:

• Increased vulnerability to cyberattacks, data breaches, and regulatory non-compliance
• Potential for internal security breaches due to lack of policies on user access control and data protection
• Loss of trust among customers and stakeholders
• Hindered business continuity efforts, making it challenging to respond effectively to security incidents and emergencies
• Reduced operational efficiency and productivity
• Legal and financial repercussions due to non-compliance

Many businesses underestimate the importance of robust IT policies or assume that their existing practices suffice. However, without regular reviews and updates, policies quickly become outdated and ineffective. To mitigate risks and ensure compliance, businesses must conduct thorough assessments of their IT policies, identifying areas for improvement and implementing necessary changes.

Bridging the gap​

The first step in addressing any IT policy gaps is recognising the issue. Bridging IT policy gaps in your business may seem like a daunting task, but it’s more manageable than you might think, especially with the right support. Our team has developed a straightforward framework for conducting a comprehensive gap analysis of your existing IT policies. This allows us to identify areas of weakness and provide tailored recommendations for improvement.

Take the survey

To empower you in evaluating your own internal IT policies, we’re offering this service free of charge. Take action now to evaluate how well your organisation has implemented and maintains its IT policies.

The post Exploring the consequences of weak IT policies appeared first on Air IT.
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