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CVCC Nursing Student Overcomes Cancer Diagnosis To Earn Degree


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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When Alexa Shiver decided to return to college, she knew it would bring its share of challenges. At the time, she was living with her twin sister, Allison, who was fighting cancer. She wanted to help care for her sister in every way she could. Eventually, she realized she was meant to do more, so she decided to enroll at CVCC and pursue a degree in Nursing. Shortly after enrolling in classes, she received devastating news. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, just like her twin sister.

Balancing school and treatment was a formidable thought, but Alexa was determined that she could do it; she just needed a little help.

“I was able to continue the semester with the grace of all of my teachers,” she said. “They allowed me to do work online, kept in constant touch with me via emails and texts, and made it possible for me to continue my education during my cancer treatment. Everyone here was so supportive of me and willing to do anything to help me excel.”

Being unable to work full-time proved to be yet another challenge Alexa faced, so she reached out to the CVCC Foundation to learn more about the many scholarship opportunities available. With an impressive academic background and extensive community service, Shiver found that she qualified for several scholarships, which ensured she had the support and resources necessary to focus on her education and career.

“The Foundation has been a blessing for me these past semesters at CVCC,” she said. “When I first met with the scholarship committee, I felt like I was going to be overwhelmed with fear, but everyone was so kind and welcoming, and by the end, I felt like I was at a table with my friends.”

Since graduating this May with her Associate’s degree in Nursing, Alexa plans to continue her studies by pursuing a Bachelor’s degree. She is cancer-free and ready to embark on her journey to one day work in the field of oncology in order to help others navigate the life-changing cancer experience. Alexa is grateful to the CVCC faculty and the Foundation for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout her academic journey, which has been critical to her success.

“I am truly thankful to everyone at CVCC and the Foundation for all they’ve done to help me succeed,” she added. “It has meant the world to me.”

The post CVCC Nursing Student Overcomes Cancer Diagnosis To Earn Degree appeared first on Chattahoochee Valley Community College.
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